Show And Tell 2012-8-20 (Drupal)
From Stadm
By Zack
Email Sending Webform
- get nid from url
- Creating importer
- Periodic Import
- Content Type
- Mapping
- Import
- delimiters
Rewriting Results In Views
- Turn off linking to node
- can use tokens such as [title], [body] to link or rewrite
- review available tokens in replacement patterns
Editing Module
- Uses hook_form_alter to change redirect and display various options for editing and changing position
- Copy from base theme
- Changing header in branding
- Image map
- Clear cache
Profile Styling
- Style settings in view
- wrapper and element type
- global.css
- page name is in the body class
- View for calendar should be built from template
- Date Contextual Filter
- Cant use pager
- HTML list
- Format slideshow of fields
- Arrange body below image and hide title
- Text styled in global.css
- Global:Randomize sorting