Show And Tell 2012-8-20 (Drupal)
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By Zack
Email Sending Webform
- node_load function takes the nid and returns the node object, which can be displayed using dsm($node);
- get nid from GET data
- To set up a feed or upload a database you need to set up an "importer" in "Structure->Feeds importer->Add Importer."
- You can configure the importer to reimport periodically
- Specify the content type that you want to feed into and map the fields to specify where each column should go.
- There are several delimiters available including semicolons, tabs and commas regardless of filetype.
Rewriting Results In Views
- Configure by clicking on the field in the view configuration.
- Turn off linking to node
- can use tokens such as [title], [body] to link or rewrite
- review available tokens in replacement patterns section below the rewriting boxes.
- Add wrappers and classes to fields using the styling rewrite.
Editing Module on CCBER and ERI Drupal Sites
- Allows users to edit nodes and content from views that are contained within paneled pages
- Uses hook_form_alter to change redirect and create buttons for editing and changing node position
- To create a calendar view you need to create it from the template.
- Use contextual filter date
- Cant use pager
- HTML list
- Format slideshow of fields
- Arrange body below image and hide title
- Text styled in global.css
- Global:Randomize sorting