From Stadm
Revision as of 18:31, 6 February 2014 by Stadm1 (talk | contribs) (→Week of 2014-01-25 to 2014-01-31)
Daily Entries
Week of 2014-01-25 to 2014-01-31
2014-01-31 Fri -- 2 hrs
- it:2h:rumba domain logins, gpo, correct UID for users
2014-01-30 Thu -- 0 hrs
2014-01-29 Wed -- 4 hrs
- cjones:3h:csv generation from requested data, download link, css for download box, resizing of data tables after mins and maxes have been found(css)
- it:1h:90 in TV from ground floor to 6th
2014-01-28 Tue -- 0 hrs
2014-01-27 Mon -- 4.5 hrs
- it:1.5:vba application of power failing
- cjones:3h: navigation bar and percentages of css, resizing of datatables, finding mins and max using data tables
2014-01-26 Sun -- 0 hrs
2014-01-25 Sat -- 0 hrs
Week of 2014-01-18 to 2014-01-24
2014-01-24 Fri -- 2 hrs
- cjones:2h:webmet background, image of eri and css of background
2014-01-23 Thu -- 4 hrs
- cjones:4h:webmet data tables functionality, css of table, requesting data functionality
2014-01-22 Wed -- 4.5 hrs
- it:1.5h:finish unloading books in conference room
- it:1.5h:server room power mapping on excel
- cjones:1.5h:webmet website css editing
2014-01-21 Tue -- 0 hrs
2014-01-20 Mon -- 0 hrs -- Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
2014-01-19 Sun -- 0 hrs
2014-01-18 Sat -- 0 hrs
Week of 2014-01-11 to 2014-01-17
2014-01-17 Fri -- 3.5 hrs
- it:1h:excel of load occurring in server room on UPS
- it:2.5h: unloading of books into conference room shelves
2014-01-16 Thu -- 1.5 hrs
- it:1.5h:mysql and Database of load in server room
2014-01-15 Wed -- 4.5 hrs
- it:4.5h:VBA application from data from UPS and servers
2014-01-14 Tue -- 3.5 hrs
- cjones:1h:css of webmet
- it:2.5h: server room Load testing documenting, excel sheet
2014-01-13 Mon -- 0 hrs
2014-01-12 Sun -- 0 hrs
2014-01-11 Sat -- 0 hrs
Week of 2014-01-04 to 2014-01-10
2014-01-10 Fri -- 3 hrs
- cjones:2h:css design for webmet
- it1h: server room Load testing
2014-01-09 Thu -- 3.5 hrs
- it:3.5h:group policy, standard user creation on RUMBA, replication of ccber environment on VM
2014-01-08 Wed -- 6 hrs
- it:2h:configuration of rumba for ccber(gpo,windows)
- it:4h:configuration of rumba for Macs and linux(single sign on)
2014-01-07 Tue -- 4.5 hrs
- it:3.5h:setting up computers, box clean up, trash
- cjones:1h:webmet website setup(csv generation from pulled data)
2014-01-06 Mon -- 5 hrs
- it:4h:unpacking, moving boxes, clean up of halls
- cjones:1h:webmet website setup(sql)
2014-01-05 Sun -- 0 hrs
2014-01-04 Sat -- 0 hrs
Week of 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-03
2014-01-03 Fri -- 7 hrs
- it:6h: moving boxes and equipment into rooms, room setup
- it:1h: bringing rumba back online as PDC
2014-01-02 Thu -- 6 hrs
- it:6h: moving boxes and equipment into rooms, room setup
2014-01-01 Wed -- 0 hrs -- New Year's Day
Recharge Examples/Entry Instructions
Recharge Entries fall into 3 broad categories: Direct charges - charges to a PI, Category, Account fund - Done monthly Deferred charges - charges that are accumulated for Services (Disk Storage, Backups, Websites, etc) paid quarterly Departmental charges - entries that are made to track time taken for various services that are provided by the department. Possibly used by IT staff to make decisions Recharge Entry Examples (each entry is expected to follow a list tag entry in the final html (ie: an asterisk in the wiki editor)): *NEES:20 min:Backups -- basic entry, NEES charged 20 minutes for backups *Frew:20:Backups -- implied units -- units default to minutes *Dozier:1.5h:Backups -- units flexible - space between amt and units optional, h is shorthand for hours, m shorthand for minutes *Davey/Frew/Dozier:20 min each:Backups -- create recharge entries for this amt of time for each of the categories *Davey/Frew/Dozier:2 hours split:Backups -- split time equally between each of the categories *eri.web:20m:Work on research website Project examples: - ie: NEES, Snow, Oceancolor, Dragon, CCBER Account entries can be subcategorized by creating a hierarchy using "."'s to separate fields (ie: eri.space.girvetz) More detailed Syntax Breakdown (in pseudo BNF) : ENTRY = *ACCTSPEC:TIMESPEC:DESCRIPTION -- one entry per line ACCTSPEC = ACCT[[/ACCT]...] -- the Account/Category/Project/CostCenter to be recharged TIMESPEC = AMT [UNIT [LOOP-OP]] -- amount of time spent - default is minutes ACCT = PI | Project | Account | Category [.SubCategory[...]] -- PI/Project/Acct/Category: ie: Frew, NEES, Dragon, Infra, conf,... AMT = float | integer -- Amount of time spent -- float or int UNIT = [hour|hr|h|minute|min|m] -- units of time to apply to amount - default is minute -- spaces optional between amt and units LOOP-OP = [each|split] -- specialized operators - CATEGORY list is split on "/"s and an entry created for each one when processed. Non-direct Recharge Categories (and associated SubCategories): *admin - efforts for administrative staff *lic.[itt, matlab, math, arcgis] --licensing stuff. *web.[drupal,wiki,cms,ftp] -- not sure this will be a top level charge *stor.[disk,bk,tape] *stor.bk -- efforts relating to backups *stor.disk -- disk server related time *stor.tape -- tape backups *it.[net,dev,team,ucsb,stadm,dsr,nsmgmt] *it -- alone infers ERI business (infra/sysadm/blahblahblah). *it.net -- efforts relating to departmental networking (cabling) *it.dev -- software development, scripting, new services... *it.team -- efforts relating to IT team meetings/discussions... how about powow? *it.ucsb -- UCSB training/meetings/discussions/committees or campus greater good. *it.stadm -- efforts relating to any IT student assistants *it.dsr -- efforts relating to departmental safety representative work