Routine Tasks

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INSTITUTE FOR CRUSTAL STUDIES, student computer assistant (refer to the "Pending Tasks for Students" section of the Student support website)


  • System Log Analysis (at least twice every week)
** Check logs on Quake, Slate, and ICS (see respective documentation)
 (see also documentation on using associated scripts (sautolog, slogcopy, suniqall, etc.))
** Clean the terminal and server rooms (on a monthly basis)
  • RAID status check and logging (at least once every week)
 (see online documentation located in Student's section of the Support website for description and instructions)
    • Check status of the raid-m, raid-j, and raid-w systems on the console server
** Report any errors to Aaron via email
  • Equipment Disposal / EIMR / Maintenance: (periodically check with Aaron)
** Equipment that is no longer needed gets put away near the back entrance for as long as it is seen to be potentially useful. When computers and peripherals become too outdated to be of use, they are to be taken off of inventory and taken away. (see documentation on EIMR)
** Keep the back storage area clean, and free of clutter. Boxes and other shipping material get routinely stowed in the back near the equipment rack, and need to be removed. Keeping the back area free of clutter is necessary to allow access to the workbench, as well as equipment. Boxes are to be recycled and shipping material that isn't recyclable is to be thrown away.
  • Schedules / Availability: (ASAP)
** It is essential to let Aaron know your availability and work schedule. You must submit a handwritten (or printed) copy of your availability so t hat he knows when to expect you. If you are not able to work as scheduled (can't work at all or will be late), Aaron must be notified ahead of time (at least 1 day in advance). He is very flexible as long as he feels you are not abusing this system. An official schedule (handwritten or typed) needs to be turned in whenever availability changes.
** The IDEAL work schedule is 3-4 days a week, for a couple hours (2-4) each day (preferably coinciding with the times that Aaron is at ICS.)
  • Hardware Log Update: (whenever hardware components are replaced or new hardware is obtained)
    • we want to keep a log of all hardware equipment in our possession (asset management). This way we can track the hardware and also keep tabs on the status of each (a repair log, etc.).
    • as of now (2005-11-03), you can view the log on the support website in the student section near the bottom. To add log entries, simply mount nfs://fablio/space/www/support/students/ (see Aaron for problems) from your Finder (use the APPLE-K command) and edit "contents.php".
  • Software Installs: (Aaron will let you know)
    • every now and then Aaron will ask you to install the latest version of MAC OS X (currently Tiger) or other software onto a machine.
    • get the software installation checklist from Aaron to mark your progress.

NOTE: you may have to get licenses to install some of the software...just ask Aaron.

  • Documentation: (ALWAYS)
    • always document your work as you go along. The purpose is so that other students who come after you, your supervisor (Aaron Martin), and even yourself will know what is happening and be able to understand the work that you did.

  • Computer Account Request Forms: (as needed by Aaron)
    • on the bookshelf in 1140A there is a big red binder labeled "Computer Account Authorizations", which has all the requests for user computer accounts.
    • our job is to file new/incoming requests in this binder in alphabetical order according to the username. Simply punch-hole the form and file away.

Mark Gorecki modified by Joe Mount 2006-02-13