CISN Display

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Summary of What we want in the ICSN/WaveForm Display 08/11/19

This project started in the 07-08 school year with Mekhin desgining the program itself. He graduated that year and so I have been wokring on it this year. My part hasn't been in the programming, but instead the documentation and physical set-up. The CISN/Waveform Display is a project by NEES which is a subset of ICS. The CISN portion will show near real-time earthquake activity, while the Wavefom display will show real time seismic waves at various location around California.The set up should explain about both the displays, ICS, and possibly NEES. NOTE: It maybe wise to look into using laucnhd or launchctl for keeping the display running and starting on boot

This is the Original documentation on all all CISN/ Waveform Disply Information This is Mehkin's Original hand written notebook about his work on the project

Current Status of Production

Current Status Summary 08/11/17

Display Stand: done

  • Can hold one or two screens as neccesary, built by nick webster in the Geology Machine shop. (Document the building!) To see the Documentation of the Display Stand click this link.

CISN Kiosk Mode: done

  • Mekhin did this (mostly) but i had to do some refining

Documentation of how to create CISN in Kiosk Mode: done

  • Mekhin left documentation concerning all he did, but much of it is unclear, especially to those (like me) with little computer experience. I am reading it now, putting it in accesible language, while attempting to install it on the computer, "ruby" NEW: Am working on a shell script to automate quit finder, will also kill dock, works well.
  • The only thing left to do for this is create a launchd script which:
    • starts CISN Display running coninuously
    • Kills finder while! CISN is loading (otherwise it doesnt stay dead)
    • restarts the dispaly every night to make sure windows aren't screwed up

Waveform Display Program: undone

  • We need to meet with Jamie and see how antelope works
  • Some questions/concerns
    • How do we lock users out of messing with the controls
    • We need to document its install process
    • Ask Aaron where to put in the

CISN/WAVEFORM Display (Physically): undone BUT the Temps is up

  • I have designed a layout to go around the screen which contains information about the Kiosk. However, this must be approved by Jamie, and he must provide me with the information to insert. I have completed many of the info sections, I emailed Jamie and I need to get info on the UCSB Eq site, the Northridge EQ site and the program antelope so i can write thier blurbs.

Touchpad for the Kiosk: done

  • indent we have a nice touchpad mouse, but we have to...
  • joe built us a nice trackpad holder, i need to document it's desgin. it cost about 300 bucks

How to Create the CISN/Waveforms Display

You have the option of simply following the directions one at a time, or if you are in the middle of an install, jumping from section to section with the links below.

  • How to Prepare the MAC
  • How to install CISN
  • Set up the Kiosk Accoun on the MAC
  • How to install/ configure Antelope
  • How to configure CISN Display
  • How to Secure the Firewall
  • How to secure the GUI
  • How make cisndisplay start on boot
  • Links that could help you
  1. Reformat the disk of the Mac and install Tiger OS, disk name: CISN-display
    1. Obtain the tiger instal cd's from Aaron
    2. Insert Disk 1 into the desired computer
    3. Remember, this will delete any information on this computer, so imake sure there is nothing you need on it.
    4. It will bring up a window, click the "install Tiger" icon, then click restart
    5. Choose english as the main language, then click continue until the select destination page
    6. there, click options and select "Erase and Install" and make sure you have the "Format disk as:" section selected as "Mac OS Exteneded" click continue
    7. On the instillation type page select options, select the customize button and click the "X11" icon
    8. Continue and let it install.
    9. After install, go to the apple icon in the top left corner and select check for updates, let all the updates install.
    10. Go to the finder, search and find system preferences
    11. Click "sharing"
    12. turn on "remote login" and turn on "remote Managment" under the "services" section
    13. go back to the system preferences main screen, click on energy saver
    14. Click schedule in the bottom right corner
    15. Check the start and wake up time and set it at every day at 7:00AM
    16. Set the option to sleep on bottom set and check it. Set at everyday at 10:00PM

Ideas on Setting up the Trackpad

Usable Controls from CISNMaster to Manipulate Program