From Stadm
- General powershell commands, basic syntax and a few useful links and scripts
Powershell Commands
General Commands
Get-ChildItem Get-wmiObject Enter-PSSession New-PSSession
Group Policy
Powershell Scripts
- Still some useful commands we need to know(they can be run in powershell)
gpupdate gpresult w32tm netsh icacls
- We can take ownership, add and remove permissions all with the icacls command
- Take ownership
icacls FILE_NAME /setowner USERNAME /t /c /q
- grant full permission to one user
icacls FILE_NAME /grant eddie:f /t /q
- MS Link: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc753525.aspx
- Flags
\t Performs the operation on all specified files in the current directory and its subdirectories. \c Continues the operation despite any file errors. Error messages will still be displayed. \q \l Performs the operation on a symbolic link versus its destination.