AD Samba4 Centos 7

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The purpose of this wiki page is to document the steps needed to set up or recreate an Active Directory(AD) Environment using Samba 4. Not all features of a Windows Server AD are incorporated into Samba 4. At the time of writing/editing the current version of Samba 4 being used is: 4.1.16

This page serves to show how to Setup Samba 4 on a Centos 7 machine and migrate over from Centos 6.

Current operating system Samba 4 is run on: Centos 7

  • Note: Until this message removed consider the following a work in progress

Samba 4 Active Directory Domain Controller

Install CentOS

  • Install a minimal version of Centos 7 on a VM or dev box

Samba 4 Requirements

  • Here is a minimal list of packages needed to compile Samba 4 with AD support
yum install perl gcc libacl-devel libblkid-devel gnutls-devel \
readline-devel python-devel gdb pkgconfig krb5-workstation \
zlib-devel setroubleshoot-server libaio-devel \
setroubleshoot-plugins policycoreutils-python \
libsemanage-python setools-libs-python setools-libs \
popt-devel libpcap-devel sqlite-devel libidn-devel \
libxml2-devel libacl-devel libsepol-devel libattr-devel \
keyutils-libs-devel cyrus-sasl-devel cups-devel bind-utils \
libxslt docbook-style-xsl openldap-devel pam-devel bzip2
  • Here are optional packages that are used in this guide
yum install vim wget


  • we are coming form a working environment running on centos 6, we are going to restore our databases to /usr/local/samba and then compile and install Samba 4 over them
  • I have tried installing samba first and then restoring form backup however samba was having issues with wind the binary, a recompile and install fixed that issue, however by restoring first we avoid having to reinstall samba after restore
  • These folders probably wont be there if you havent installed samba before, check to see before running command
rm -rf /usr/local/samba/etc
rm -rf /usr/local/samba/private
rm -rf /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
  • If /usr/local/samba does not exist(because samba has never been installed before) make the /usr/local/samba directory
mkdir /usr/local/samba
  • change directories to where you have your backups and do a restore
cd /usr/local/backups
tar -jxf etc.{Timestamp}.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/samba/
tar -jxf samba4_private.{Timestamp}.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/samba/
tar -jxf sysvol.{Timestamp}.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/samba/
find /usr/local/samba/private/ -type f -name '*.ldb.bak' -print0 | while read -d $'\0' f ; do mv "$f" "${f%.bak}" ; done
  • Our profiles are stored on an NFS server, copy over the auto.home file where out profiles are stored
scp root@AD1.DOMAIN.EDU:/etc/auto.home /etc/
  • restart autofs
systemctl restart autofs
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Installing Samba

  • Extract the archive if not done so already
tar -zxvf samba-4.1.16.tar.gz
cd ~/samba-4.1.16
./configure --enable-debug --enable-selftest --with-ads --with-systemd --with-winbind
  • If it completes successfully, make sure it is Building with Active Directory support, if not you may have forgotten a few packages
  • Finally compile and then install
make install

vim /etc/krb5.conf
dns_lookup_realm = false
dns_lookup_kdc = true
default_realm = DOMAIN.EDU

Adding Samba to Systemd

  • create a samba.service file at /etc/systemd/system/samba.service
Description= Samba 4 Active Directory


  • start the Samba service
systemctl start samba
  • enable the samba service on startup
systemctl enable samba
  • check the status of samba
systemctl status samba

Adding winbind to nssswitch.conf

  • add winbind to /etc/nssswitch.conf
vim /etc/nssswitch.conf
passwd:     files winbind sss
shadow:     files sss
group:      files winbind sss
  • link winbind so that nssswitch can find and enumerate domain users


  • We prefer iptables so we are turning off firewalld and enabling iptables instead
systemctl stop firewalld     # stop firewalld temporarily
systemctl mask firewalld    # not sure what mask does, but I assume its similar to disable
yum install iptables-services  # install iptables-services package
systemctl enable iptables    # Enable the service at boot-time
  • add in your rules into /ets/sysconfig/iptables (do this while iptables is off)
systemctl start iptables     # start iptables
  • the following will save the rules located at /etc/sysconfig/iptables
service iptables save   # save iptables rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables, overwriting current set