Stadm:Current events
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Current Events for the IT students are maintained on this page.
Current Tasks
- create mapping of network switches to data panel
- move out of office EH6805 to EH6706
- SPOT check (email sent on this - see Aaron or Darla for details)
- get iChat up and configured
- use Colee's cam to start, maybe order a replacement
- Creating an cleaned, archive version of the ICESS homepage
- shell script documentation
- drupal documentation
- followup on inventory stuff
- create inventory pickup table from info on pad
- pull disks from systems, return trays to raid arrays
- erase those disks
- investigate/practice unix shell programming
- migrate non-sensitive material from to sysadm wiki.
- start working on drupal configuration/modification
- organize disk drives in cabinet and shelf in server room--see Darla
Daily Logs by Month
Chris Kim
Chris-201211 Chris-201210 Chris-201209 Chris-201208 Chris-201206 Chris-201205 Chris-201204 Chris-201203 Chris-201202 Chris-201201
Zack-201211 Zack-201210 Zack-201209 Zack-201208 Zack-201207
Vince-201105 Vince-201104 Vince-201103