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Daily Entries


Week of 2012-10-27 to 2012-10-31

Week of 2012-10-20 to 2012-10-26

2012-10-26 Fri -- 0 hrs

2012-10-25 Thu -- 0 hrs

2012-10-24 Wed -- 0 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:met with Aaron about possible PBIC->drupal and content types, organized ERI specific modules into ERI directory and wrote documentation on wiki describing their functionality and how to update them for future drupal versions.

2012-10-23 Tue -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:fixed view column widths on all views, enabled ajax on all views, fixed rough edges around ERI logo, finished second research list layout, talked with Aaron about merging outreach/education and research group content types, looked into sliding quicktabs for mobile devices.
  • ccber.drupal:0.25h:looked into resolution to "CCBER's blog" issue and wrote back to Laurie in response to her questions.
  • eri:2.25h:looked at crustal site's research entries to find current projects, tried moving search box to different regions, made more styling changes to research list view and added images to research group nodes; switched to research view with pics and body from old research list table view, checked cross-browser compatibility of www-dev.eri. Installed Revisioning module, and set up st1 (as student assistant role) to have limited posting abilities.

2012-10-22 Mon -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:worked on building adaptive theme for ERI site, removed border from ERI logo.
  • eri:2.5h:worked on new format for research list, research page, and fixed some styling issues with adaptive version of the theme.

2012-10-21 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-10-20 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-10-13 to 2012-10-19

2012-10-19 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • eri:0.5h:added tab for all research and put links to each research tab in menu
  • ccber.drupal:0.5h: worked on fixing formatting and layout issues mentioned in an email from Laurie
  • cein.drupal:5m:meeting with Arturo
  • eri:0.5h:clean up from meeting
  • ccber.drupal:1.25h:finished making changes from Laurie's email, started writing up drupal admin guide.
  • ccber.drupal:0.75h:finished main part of page creation guide, started setting up page wizard.
  • eri:2.25h:talked with Aaron about ERI Groups drupal site and ultimate use of LDAP to manage users, changed research view to show more info in list, revealed emails in people list view and profile

2012-10-18 Thu -- 5.25 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:1h:met with laurie about featured boxes, color changes and tutorial on content editing.
  • ccber.drupal:1.75h:ran all updates, applied patch to fix ctools errors
  • eri:2h:worked more on regex for wiki
  • ccber.drupal:0.5h:fixed last few margin issues with panels, added Insert module and made blogs support embedding images cleanly.

2012-10-17 Wed -- 6 hrs

  • biogeog.drupal:2h:fixed some issues with responsive layout, put all content into panels with adaptive layouts, more styling, resized and added placeholder images for gallery slider.
  • ccber.drupal:1.5h:worked more on gallery and layout/styling, fixed blurry image from front page.
  • eri:2.5h:documented wiki functionality, transferred pixture_reloaded to footheme based subtheme

2012-10-16 Tue -- 6 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:0.5h:worked on getting the margins/padding right on the featured boxes.
  • eri:1.5h:looked at apache configuration with Aaron, Installed and activated Photoshop on tgif.
  • biogeog.drupal:4h:set up theme, basic styling and migrated some content on biogeog

2012-10-15 Mon -- 7 hrs

  • eri:5h:created wiki section editor module for it eri site
  • ccber.drupal:2h:cleaned up site (menus, colors etc.) added and styled features boxes at the bottom of the front page.

2012-10-14 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-10-13 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-10-06 to 2012-10-12

2012-10-12 Fri -- 7 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:worked on fixing broken links due to misconfiguration in Mediawiki API for IT site, built configuration page for ERI IT Wiki module.
  • eri:3.5h:made DWiki portable; finished adding link changing functionality,

2012-10-11 Thu -- 7 hrs

  • eri:4.5created module on IT eri site to enhance wiki functionality for easier migration of content and matching syntax.
  • eri:2.5:added more styling to mobile layout of site, researched migrating wiki pages, matched drupal wiki styling with mediawiki styling

2012-10-10 Wed -- 7 hrs

  • eri:4h: finished ajax/jquery script for autocomplete form on IT Eri and enabled it on institution and groups fields, documented how it works. Worked on intercepting form submissions that have not accepted conditions.
  • eri:3h:finished code to block form submissions that dont agree to policies on Computer Account Request form. Setup MediaWiki API as input type on IT ERI site to allow direct migration of WIKI content and modified edit links to link to drupal's editing form.

2012-10-09 Tue -- 7 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:researched drupal #autocomplete_path use
  • eri.ucsb.wsg:2h:Meeting on WSG menu items and use of PHP.
  • ccber.drupal:1.25h:installed and setup gallery formatter module to replace flash based gallery
  • eri:2.25h:cleaned up code on eri site; worked more on auto import for new bios from IT site; enabled firebug on it eri site.

2012-10-08 Mon -- 5.5 hrs

  • eri.ucsb.wsg:3.75h:worked on creating sed script to remove tables from all pages. Created all correctly formatted pages with Aaron.
  • er:0.5h:went to girvetz with Aaron to move computers.
  • eri:1.25h:worked on jquery for it site.

2012-10-07 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-10-06 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-10-01 to 2012-10-05

2012-10-05 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • eri:1.5:show and tell on drupal for Aaron, Darla, and Chris. Helped Aaron move hardware and cables from my office.
  • eri.ucsb.wsg:0.75h:Tutorial from Aaron on wsg git repo and setup.
  • eri:0.25h:made changes to Show And Tell list
  • eri:2.5h:worked on jquery part of account request form.
  • ccber.drupal:1h:tested out look of featured boxes on front page.

2012-10-04 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h: (IT ERI) made menu items buttons with highlights on hover for mobile devices and computers. Moved search box to different areas and changed styling to make it fit, set permissions for search to be usable by anyone. Fixed Account Request form issue where it displayed parts of the form in the wrong order on mobile devices, also cleaned up form.
  • eri:2.5h:finished theming mobile layout. Created new banner for IT ERI, created help request form. Researched Views Accordion to use on FAQ page.

2012-10-03 Wed -- 4.25 hrs

  • eri:3h:finished template and styling for it eri account request form
  • ccber.drupal:1h:changed entire content area to white, moved campus map to iframe on campus flora project page.
  • eri:0.25h:fixed buttons on tablet/smartphone views of it eri site.

2012-10-02 Tue -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:met with Aaron about adaptive layouts on IT ERI site, went to WSG meeting with Aaron. worked on fixing issue adding terms programmatically to eri site, and looked for sub themes for AdaptiveTheme.
  • eri:2.5h:setup Pixture Reloaded Theme for ERI and began templeting the Account Request from.

2012-10-01 Mon -- 4.75 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:1.25h:Met with Laurie about layout changes, colors and special features blocks on main page.
  • eri:3.5h:worked on setting up module on eri site to autoimport from it eri feed.


Recharge Examples/Entry Instructions

Recharge Entries fall into 3 broad categories:  
  Direct charges - charges to a PI, Category, Account fund - Done monthly
  Deferred charges - charges that are accumulated for Services (Disk Storage, Backups, Websites, etc) paid quarterly
  Departmental charges - entries that are made to track time taken for various services that are provided by the department.  Possibly used by IT staff to make decisions

Recharge Entry Examples (each entry is expected to follow a list tag entry in the final html (ie: an asterisk in the wiki editor)):
 *NEES:20 min:Backups                         -- basic entry, NEES charged 20 minutes for backups
 *Frew:20:Backups                             -- implied units -- units default to minutes
 *Dozier:1.5h:Backups                         -- units flexible - space between amt and units optional, h is shorthand for hours, m shorthand for minutes
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:20 min each:Backups       -- create recharge entries for this amt of time for each of the categories
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:2 hours split:Backups     -- split time equally between each of the categories
 *eri.web:20m:Work on research website

Project examples: - ie: NEES, Snow, Oceancolor, Dragon, CCBER
Account entries can be subcategorized by creating a hierarchy using "."'s to separate fields (ie:

More detailed Syntax Breakdown (in pseudo BNF) :
 ENTRY = *ACCTSPEC:TIMESPEC:DESCRIPTION                         -- one entry per line
 ACCTSPEC = ACCT[[/ACCT]...]                                    -- the Account/Category/Project/CostCenter to be recharged
 TIMESPEC = AMT [UNIT [LOOP-OP]]                                -- amount of time spent - default is minutes
 ACCT = PI | Project | Account | Category [.SubCategory[...]]   -- PI/Project/Acct/Category: ie: Frew, NEES, Dragon, Infra, conf,...
 AMT = float | integer                                          -- Amount of time spent -- float or int
 UNIT = [hour|hr|h|minute|min|m]                                -- units of time to apply to amount - default is minute -- spaces optional between amt and units
 LOOP-OP = [each|split]                                         -- specialized operators - CATEGORY list is split on "/"s and an entry created for each one when processed.

Non-direct Recharge Categories (and associated SubCategories):
 *admin - efforts for administrative staff

 *lic.[itt, matlab, math, arcgis] --licensing stuff.
 *web.[drupal,wiki,cms,ftp]       -- not sure this will be a top level charge

 *stor.bk                         -- efforts relating to backups
 *stor.disk                       -- disk server related time
 *stor.tape                       -- tape backups
 *it                             -- alone infers ERI business (infra/sysadm/blahblahblah).
 *                         -- efforts relating to departmental networking (cabling)
 *                         -- software development, scripting, new services...
 *                        -- efforts relating to IT team meetings/discussions... how about powow?
 *it.ucsb                        -- UCSB training/meetings/discussions/committees or campus greater good.
 *it.stadm                       -- efforts relating to any IT student assistants
 *it.dsr                         -- efforts relating to departmental safety representative work

Other Stuff

AVWH: 184