Waste Procedures

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Electronics Recycling, Light Bulbs Exchanges and Hazardous Waste Disposal

Recycling Overview

Recycling is a task which needs to be done every week or so. Outside of Aaron's room are three boxes to collect various electronic waste. These are labeled, "batteries," "ink/ electronics," and "CDs/ light bulbs" and can be disposed of in "Techno Trash" (an AS recycling program) facilities around campus. If you have questions, visit their website, http://www.as.ucsb.edu/asr/, or call the AS recycling program (805)-893-7765.


  1. Separate out the halogen bulbs and regular bulbs. Halogen bulbs get picked up by Hazardous Waste Disposal (see below) and the other bulbs get kept for EAB sponsored bulb exchanges(see below). NO BUBLBS MAY STAY IN TECHNO TRASH.
  2. Make sure there is no trash or items which don't meet the box's "requirements."
  3. Take the boxes and empty them into their prospective receptacles at any Techno Trash location, I find inside the Davidson library to be the fastest (once inside ask information where to locate the "Techno Trash" bins.)

Hazardous Waste Disposal Overview

Every now and then Aaron may ask you to dispose of certain items that are considered "hazardous wastes". Such items include fluorescent light bulbs, batteries (NOT talking about AA or C batteries), etc. UCSB has a department (Environmental Health and Safety - EHS) that will take care of the disposal for you. All you need to do is the following:


NOTE: If you're unsure about any of the procedures, you can call EHS's on-campus Hazardous Waste Program (x7705) and talk to someone about a pickup or what should be done.

  1. Verify that the items to be disposed of should go to EHS.
  2. Go to www.ehs.ucsb.edu
  3. Select the Chem Waste Pickup link
  5. Use yourself as the contact information, you do not need a recharge number, use "Doug Burbank" for PI Name, and use "Institute for Crustal Studies" for department. The UPS batteries are the most common H. waste we have, and can be entered as "Gell Cell, Lead-Acid Batteries" In the notes section be sure to add where the waste will be (right now my office is 1140K) and where in the room so they have easy access.
    The school now requires that the waste be labeled, and will show you and example label after you click the first submit. Print the label out for as many types of items you have and include it with the waste

Light Bulb Overview

The non-halogen light bulbs can be saved and exchanged for free new ones at periodic Environmental Affairs Board events. Check their website, http://www.as.ucsb.edu/eab/, monthly to make sure you don't miss them. Currently, the box for saving the bulbs is labeled and located in room 1140k, on the top of the back left shelves.

created by Joe Mount 2005-10-05
updated by Nicholas Webster 2007-02-12