Equipment Management Procedures

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Equipment near the back entrance to ICS is regularly disposed of, as it becomes obsolete and is no longer an asset to ICS.
Aaron will periodically decide that some systems/ items are ready for disposal.
The procedure for handling the disposal is as follows:
  1. Find out from Aaron which items are to be gotten rid of.
  2. On each of these items, write down the UCSB Property tag number, and a brief description of the item.
    ie: 948001592 - Silicon Graphics Indigo2
  3. Compile a list of all of the items and their corresponding numbers.
  4. Compose an email to Lynette stating the need to EIMR the items, and attach the list.
    (Or for checking the status of an item already on the EIMR list).
  5. On each of the items that were written down, take masking tape and label the item with "On EIMR list", the date, and your initials.
  6. Once the EIMR requests have been processed by the front office, you should get an email stating which items can and cannot be removed.
  7. For the items that are cleared or labeled safe to EIMR, remove the property tag from the item, remove the masking tape, and make a new masking tape label stating "OFF INV" along with the date.
  8. Every now and again, Aaron and you will run over to drop off the EIMR'ed inventory.

Mark Gorecki
modified by Joe Mount 2005-10-20