Zack WIP Journal
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Jump to navigationJump to searchNotes on current projects that are in progress
Wiki Pages
ERI Migration to D7
- BlogAPI
- ImageFUpload
- Image Module (different image module in core)
- ImageAPI (in dev)
- ImageCache
- URLAlter
- Trigger (user rules)
- Views Exporter?
- Sub-path URL Aliasing
Pages needed in new site
- Events/News (which should also contain seminars)
- Anual Reports
- Research (Connected to people?)
- ->SpotData?
- What do we do with Awards?
- People
- Outreach?
- Links broken
- Should some of it become a 'links' page?
- No need for Lesson Plans Dropdown
- Administrative
- Do we need ERI Graphics?
- Contact
- Can pretty much get rid of submenus
- Mission is on front page already
- External Links
Front Page
Made from Two Column Panel
- Where are people located?
- AM Module 1
- Not really able to edit anything
- Aaron's test module
- Location:
- Could just export module
- Rename, or do we want to do it with panels and a module?
- Image Gallery is View Template from Image module?
- Must export paths from URL aliases module
- Might have to set them manually
- In future,
Content Types
Note: Can't currently import content types on some installations. Need to figure out which module adds this option.
News ('news')
- Doesn't seem like we need "news:" field.
- Elements
- Title
- Date ('field_news_date')
- PI ('field_news_pi')
- URL ('field_news_url')
- Body (doesn't seem to be a field)
- Current "People" view is Aarons test module
- People aren't in content type, so cant be exported
- Need fields:
- Name
- Title
- Department
- Image
- Office
- Phone
- Fax
- Integration of People and Research
- Quicktabs
- Compute
- Person
- Address
- Sites
- Admin
- Person
- Address
- Researchers
- Person
- Department
- Main
- Sub
- Address
- Research
- Research Page
- Link to dept
- Link to Research tagged with taxonomy person
- Use "Custom Text" field, and add var to address of view module
- Dept. Funding Page
- Research Page
- Compute
- Research Page
- View automatically generates table of content type research
- Quicktabs
Export/Import Workflow
- It seems like this process can be automated using "Features"
- Still must test
- Export Content Type on Old Installation
- Import Content Type on Upgraded Installation
- Export View on Old Installation
- Import View on Upgraded Installation
- Export Content of Content Type on Old Installation
- import Content of Content Type on Upgraded Installation
Ask Aaron
Install Features on eriWhere is the panel on the home page?Or is that its own module?
- Computer Account Request Form was never used -- still form from old icess website
- Reason we can't just upgrade directly
- What is the difference between current eri-dev and live eri site? Which came first?
- Added bg.jpg,
wrapper_bg.jpg, and transparent_header.png to /var/www/vhosts/ For header images and background
- Wrapper background was uploaded through eriomega theme settings
- Hid site title slogan in "eriomega/css/global.css"
- moved id zone-menu-wrapper up in global.css
- using margins
- otherwise, header image pushes everything down
Organic Groups
Uses and Advantages
- For creating sort of mini private Drupals within a Drupal site
- Could be used instead of our quasi-wiki platform.
- Might be more advanced than we need
- Researchers could have groups?
- Can be used to control what and where each user posts
- Can be viewable by anyone or members only
- Can have mailing lists
- OGUR allows special user roles within the group
Must be setup as a Group Type, not Group Content Type (unless for subgroup)
Helpful Links
Forum thread on using arguments in Views:
Most recent patch can be downloaded here: Aaron said Chris figured out a way to do this with built in feature.