Zack WIP Journal
From Stadm
Notes on current projects that are in progress
ERI Migration to D7
- BlogAPI
- ImageFUpload
- Image Module (different image module in core)
- ImageAPI (in dev)
- ImageCache
- URLAlter
- Trigger (user rules)
- Views Exporter?
- Sub-path URL Aliasing
Pages needed in new site
- Events/News (which should also contain seminars)
- Anual Reports
- Research (Connected to people?)
- ->SpotData?
- What do we do with Awards?
- People
- Outreach?
- Links broken
- No need for Lesson Plans Dropdown
- Administrative
- Contact
- Can pretty much get rid of submenus
- Mission is on front page already
- External Links
Front Page
Made from Two Column Panel
- Must export paths from URL aliases module
- Might have to set them manually
- In future,
Content Types
News ('news')
- Doesn't seem like we need "news:" field.
- Elements
- Title
- Date ('field_news_date')
- PI ('field_news_pi')
- URL ('field_news_url')
- Body (doesn't seem to be a field)