Drupal Wiki

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Revision as of 10:37, 27 July 2012 by Zack (talk | contribs)
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Trying to achieve a MediaWiki like interface on Drupal is a little tricky and messy. It looks like there might be some extra steps necessary to achieve steps like adding Categories, linking items, formatting etc. This page will record these issues and Zack will attempt to address each.


This is currently being tested on the IT drupal installation located at: http://it.eri.ucsb.edu/

  • The wiki can be accessed in one of two ways:
  1. going directly to http://it.eri.ucsb.edu/wiki/
  2. going to the IT eri website listed above, and clicking "Wiki Home" under the "Wiki" side menu.



To achieve similar effects to MediaWiki, the Drupal "Wiki" uses the Wikitools and Freelinker modules.

  • Zack is currently looking at additional modules that can be added to add more wiki-like functionality, specifically:
  1. Automatically generating table of contents at the top of each page based on syntax
  2. Formatting the MediaWiki syntax

Taxonomy and Categories

Drupal in some ways makes categorizing pages a little easier. Pages are categorized using the terms under the Taxonomy "Categories."

  • Currently, the only two categories are "Documentation" and "Projects"
  • Categories can be added as links to the "Wiki" sidebar menu, but will automatically appear on the wiki/Categories page (This is the basic Taxonomy view that displays links to all registered terms).
    • List of all Pages tagged with term automatically appear on term page (located at wiki/Categories/(term name)
  • "List All Pages" in sidebar is a link to a Page view that contains a table of links to all pages
    • Filtered by Content Type = "Wiki Page"