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Revision as of 12:30, 5 February 2016 by Kchan (talk | contribs)
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Progress on Althea

Basic Information

  • Hostname: althea
  • Address:
    • MAC: 78:2b:cb:a7:bd:75
    • IP:
  • Installed OS: Fedora 23

Althea is (going to be) Kenneth's primary desktop computer.

Troubleshooting Steps

During the time of this writing, althea's graphical desktop does not work. Here are the steps I've taken so far: 1. Installed Fedora Workstation.

dnf -y group install "Fedora Workstation"

Let's get the defaults up and running before configuring it further. 2. Changed default target from multi-user back to graphical.

systemctl set-default

3. Restarted the machine.

shutdown -r now

... still not working as of 10:53am Friday 2/6

  • Started booting up, no gui in sight.
  • tried manually starting it up with startx by logging into tty2. Got this error message:
-- kchan: /home/kchan: change directory failed: Permission denied
Logging in with home = "/".
  • tried chmodding home to 711, no good. Tried 755, still nope.
  • verified that /home/kchan is default directory in /etc/passwd