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AutoLog Scripts
CLEANALL: 'cleanall' is a very simple script that automates cleaning of log files that are empty for each machine. It simply executes the *clean scripts for each machine in turn. usage: cleanall - REQUIRED components: -- 1) a directory called logclean/ in the same directory as cleanall with permissions "drwxr-xr-x" -- 2) logclean/ must contain *clean scripts created by Joe Mount 2006-02-21
COPYALL: 'copyall' is a very simple script that automates copying of all log files for each machine. It simply executes the *logcopy scripts for each machine in turn. usage: copyall - REQUIRED components: -- 1) a directory called logcopy/ in the same directory as copyall with permissions "drwxr-xr-x" -- 2) logcopy/ must contain *logcopy scripts created by Joe Mount 2006-02-21
DDTAPE.CSH: 'ddtape.csh' is a shell script used for porting data from magnetic tapes to hard disk using the 'dd' command. It also has arguments that allow you to control the tape drive remotely such as rewinding the tape or getting the current tape position (shown as file numbers and blocks). It automatically sets up the tape drive device (if one exists) on the current machine and then reads the tape from beginning to end, outputting the data to .tar files. These tar files can be extracted using the 'tar' command (see the man pages). A time stamp is included before and after reading the tape to see how long reading a particular tape takes (can also be used to figure out the data transfer rate; use the du command to find out the number of bytes transferred). Since ddtape.csh continues reading the tape until EOT is reached, the last couple files may be empty. If so, this script will automatically remove any empty files. usage: ddtape.csh [-help] [-rewind] [-stat] [-eject] [-start filenum] [-prefix fileprefix] created by Joe Mount 2005-09-06