CCBER Drupal

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Revision as of 15:27, 30 August 2012 by Zack (talk | contribs) (→‎Structure)
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This is the project development documentation for the new CCBER Drupal site.


To make content editing on the paneled structure of the CCBER site simpler and more intuitive there are several layers to each page

  • There are three primary content types for all content on the site
  1. Text
  2. Vertical image
  3. Horizontal image
  • Every node created as one of these content types requires the taxonomy term of the page that it will show up on
  • The taxonomy follows the hierarchy of the sites menus (eg. the term for "Kids in Nature" is located within the term "Education")
  • For each content type there is a view that displays all the nodes of the corresponding content type with the contextual filter NID, which is pulled from the URL arguments
  • A "Page" containing a panel is created for each page on the site and uses the page context module to send the specified page term (the page name mentioned earlier in the taxonomy) as an argument to the view panes within the panel


  • To make the content editing process simpler (to avoid having to type in the page name for every new text or image node), each view displays a link to a form that creates a new node for the page and content type that the user clicked
    • The + button above each view links to the add new node form for the content type that is displayed in the view
    • The link contains a URL parameter that tells the module zaddCBP to automatically make the newly created node contain the taxonomy term of the page that was linked from
    • For example, if you click the plus button in the text view on the "Kids in Nature" page, you will be directed to node/add/page-text?type=39 (39 is the node id for the kids in nature text node)

Pages That Have Been Built

  • Home
    • Panel
  • Kids in Nature
    • Panel
    • Partners
      • Panel
  • News and Events
    • Panel
  • Photo Gallery
    • View
  • People
    • View
  • Send-Email with argument NID

Navigation Bar

  • Changed index to home

Nested Menus

  • Nested menu now exists for home -- still need some styling
  • Need the rest (only "Collections" has been done)

Page Structure

  • Pages should all be made with panels (with the exception of those that are less static (eg. Image Gallery, News Blog)
  • These are two columns with a top and bottom row
  • Images should go in left column, text in right
  • Each image and text paragraph should be its own node (of type Image/Photo or Page Text)
    • Each of these nodes should contain a taxonomy term for the page it should show on (eg. type "Collections" will show on the right column of the page "Collections"

News & Events

  • Blog?
  • What to do about Newsletters?
  • All elements are on two column panel layout page
    • Added calendar, which floats to the left. News blog is at the bottom, but there will be a recent announcements widget at the top


  • Added content type for photos
  • Created taxonomy for images based on page names
    • Could filter pages to display on page by this taxonomy or create a view that displays the images from several or all pages
  • Built Photo Gallery view
  • Added quicktabs to filter by taxonomy
  • Header on Gallery page not showing up -- needs to be added to context filter


  • Wrappers need to be shrunk to fit page


Installed flowerchild font with @font-your-face, but wasn't able to edit panel title with panels css editor -- will wait for stylesheet access.

  • The font for the page title is set in the @font-your-face configuration settings as Flowerchild normal
  • The size of the font is controlled by #page-title in the ccber.css stylesheet


  • For text views, I created a nid edit field link at the top, which an administrator can click to edit each node.
    • This is added in the views-view-fields.tpl.php file, which grabs the hidden NID from the node in the view and prints it out in a link to the edit page for that node


  • Contact us footer is block in footer first section that is styled in footer.css
  • Main footer is located in html.tpl.php file under the page content, and is raw HTML styled in the footer.css stylesheet


  • Updated drupal on August 27th 2012
    • Gave warning for DB: "You have pending database updates. Run `drush updatedb` or visit update.php in your browser. [warning]
The following updates are pending:"

Modules We Need

  • Webform
  • Slideshow Views
  • Field Permissions
  • View Bulk Options

Enabled Modules

zaddCBP PHP filter

  • for adding add content header to the top of views


  • Do we want to keep the nested menu style?
  • How should we display annual reports?
  • What should we use as the header on subpages and new pages
  • Does the CCBER content type have the same data on bios as ERI?
    • Offices, Degrees etc?
  • Profiles page?