Samba4 Administration
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Creating Users
- users can be created in two ways:
- they can be done through the gui provided by RSAT(Remote Service Administration Tools) to add users into Active Directory (AD)
- simply click new user in the appropriate OU (organizational unit) and enter in name,username and password
- User UID can be changed or specified using modXid script on AD server
- to create user into AD using terminal use samba-tool
samba-tool user add USERNAME
- UID can be specified at creation using command line, use:
samba-tool user add USERNAME --uid-number=UIDNUMBER
Changing XID
- uid and gid for users in samab are translated from the users windows SID using idmap
- idmap stores its database locally which contains the mappings
- a script
GPO Office
- admx files must be downloaded for each version of microsoft office that clients use(office 2007, 2010, etc.)
- run a "gpudate \force" if you dont see them appear in group policy editor
- once placed in policyDefinitions under sysvol GPO may be applied to that specific version of office
- User Configuration->Administrative Templates ->"Microsoft Office [version]" ->Privacy->Trust Center
- enable the "Disable opt-in..", disable "Enable Customer Experience..." and "Automatically receive small.."
- must be done for every version of office clients are running(annoying pop up messages when office starts if this is not set)