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Out of the box, the Drupal Webform module provides a content type that builds a form on a page with several customizable elements including text, email and textarea for emailing content to a static email address configurable through the webform E-Mail settings in the Webform content type. Creating a contact form that sends emails to a variable address can be done using hook_form_alter.


  • Webform should be enabled, and in its module configuration settings, Webform-enabled content types should be set to Webform. The Default Email Values in this menu can be left as they are.
  • Once the module is enabled, you can add a new webform by going to admin->content->Add Content->Webform.
    • On this page, you can set the title of the webform. The body field can be left blank.
      • Click URL Path Settings below the body and type the page name and path you would like the form to appear on
    • On the next page you can add components to your webform
    • Components are things like textareas, file upload forms, date fields etc.
    • These as well as their labels will appear on your form (except those with the type 'hidden')
    • Content in hidden fields is accessible by the form application, but not viewable or editable by the user.
  • For a contact form, you should add the following fields
  1. To (fieldset) - This is an non-editable field that displays the name of the recipient
  2. From (textfield) - This is where the user will type their own name
  3. Email (textfield) - This is where the user will type their own email
  4. Subject (textfield) - A subject can be added
  5. Message (textarea) - This is where the message goes
  6. To Email (hidden) - this will not be displayed on the form, but will retrieve the recipients email from the drupal database
  • Click the E-Mails link below the Webform tabs
  • Select "Component Value", and chose the field that you created for the recipients email ("To Email" in this example)
  • Click Add
  • The form is now set up. You can view it by navigating to the URL that you gave the form in step 4.