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Line 3: Line 3:
*First we have a .bat file(runs through windows command prompt) to add a user for backuppc to use
*First we have a .bat file(runs through windows command prompt) to add a user for backuppc to use
*I have included and annotated the code to help understand what the script does, the actual script echos warnings and informs you of what it is doing along the way
*I have included and annotated the code to help understand what the script does, the actual script echos warnings and informs you of what it is doing along the way
*THE .BAT SCRIPT MUST BE RUN IN AN '''ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND PROMPT''', will fail if command prompt is not "Run as Administrator"
  net user /add root    #This adds a user named root
  net user /add root    #This adds a user named root
  net localgroup administrators root /add    #adds the user root to the Administrator group  
  net localgroup administrators root /add    #adds the user root to the Administrator group  
Line 12: Line 13:
  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow remoteip=, profile=domain,private,public
  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow remoteip=, profile=domain,private,public
*Now that the root user is created logout of the current account and log back in as the root user, we will run a bash script to setup ssh
mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd    #Create passwd file
mkgroup -l > /etc/group    #Create group file
==BackupPC Side==
ssh-host-config    #Configure ssh on host to accept incoming connections, select all the defaults
net start sshd    #start the sshd service on boot
*Once this script has ran exit the cygwin terminal and open a new one(looking for a way around this still)
*run the following command:
*You should now have ssh access to the machine
=BackupPC Side=
*BackupPC has the defaults in place to backup linux and Mac machines, the rsync locations must be changed on server
*BackupPC has the defaults in place to backup linux and Mac machines, the rsync locations must be changed on server
*log into your backuppc account at either ashes or twe
*log into your backuppc account at either ashes or twe
Line 31: Line 43:
*Click save once you have modified these values. If not done so already, start a full backup
*Click save once you have modified these values. If not done so already, start a full backup
*You may run the add_Root_ssh.bat before or after installing cygwin, it will create a root user and add appropriate privileges and the prop SSH-HOLE
*NOTE: Script runs through Windows Command Prompt(NOT POWERSHELL) and must be "Run as Administrator", will fail if not run as Administrator
*After installing cygwin, change accounts so that you are the newly created user Root
*Navigate or copy over ssh_setup to a directory you can execute from and run the script, it will ask you questions accept the defaults
*After the script has finished running, exit the cygwin prompt and open another again(reinitializes home directory with proper permissions)
*run command
*you can now ssh into the machine as root

Revision as of 16:36, 3 December 2014


  • We have made some scripts to make the install go a little quicker and painless
  • First we have a .bat file(runs through windows command prompt) to add a user for backuppc to use
  • I have included and annotated the code to help understand what the script does, the actual script echos warnings and informs you of what it is doing along the way
  • THE .BAT SCRIPT MUST BE RUN IN AN ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND PROMPT, will fail if command prompt is not "Run as Administrator"
net user /add root     #This adds a user named root
net localgroup administrators root /add     #adds the user root to the Administrator group 
net share sharename=C:\ /grant:root,full     #gives the user the permission to backup all files on the C:\ drive

net user root *     #Takes a password from stdin(prompt) to set for the user root

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="SSH-Hole Port 22" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=22 remoteip=, profile=domain,private,public
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ICMP Allow incoming V4 echo request" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allow remoteip=, profile=domain,private,public
  • Now that the root user is created logout of the current account and log back in as the root user, we will run a bash script to setup ssh
mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd     #Create passwd file
mkgroup -l > /etc/group     #Create group file
ssh-host-config     #Configure ssh on host to accept incoming connections, select all the defaults
net start sshd     #start the sshd service on boot
  • Once this script has ran exit the cygwin terminal and open a new one(looking for a way around this still)
  • run the following command:
  • You should now have ssh access to the machine

BackupPC Side

  • BackupPC has the defaults in place to backup linux and Mac machines, the rsync locations must be changed on server
  • log into your backuppc account at either ashes or twe
  • select the host you wish to edit amd click "Edit Config" under the hostname
  • Select the Xfer tab
  • You will override the following values, delete the entires that do not appear under these categories:
  • Rsyncsharename
  • BackupFilesExclude:
  • RsyncArgsExtra:
--exclude=/cygdrive/c/System\ Volume\ Information/
--exclude=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/
--exclude=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/
  • Click save once you have modified these values. If not done so already, start a full backup


  • You may run the add_Root_ssh.bat before or after installing cygwin, it will create a root user and add appropriate privileges and the prop SSH-HOLE
  • NOTE: Script runs through Windows Command Prompt(NOT POWERSHELL) and must be "Run as Administrator", will fail if not run as Administrator
  • After installing cygwin, change accounts so that you are the newly created user Root
  • Navigate or copy over ssh_setup to a directory you can execute from and run the script, it will ask you questions accept the defaults
  • After the script has finished running, exit the cygwin prompt and open another again(reinitializes home directory with proper permissions)
  • run command
  • you can now ssh into the machine as root