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====2012-11-14 Wed -- 0 hrs====
====2012-11-14 Wed -- 0 hrs====
*ccber.drupal:1.5h:adding paneled pages.
====2012-11-13 Tue -- 6.5 hrs====
====2012-11-13 Tue -- 6.5 hrs====

Revision as of 10:06, 14 November 2012

Daily Entries


Week of 2012-11-24 to 2012-11-30

Week of 2012-11-17 to 2012-11-23

Week of 2012-11-10 to 2012-11-16

2012-11-16 Fri -- 0 hrs

2012-11-15 Thu -- 0 hrs

2012-11-14 Wed -- 0 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:1.5h:adding paneled pages.

2012-11-13 Tue -- 6.5 hrs

  • eri:3.75h:worked on editing script for IT ERI site, WSG update meeting, fixed ERI people aliases.
  • ccber.drupal:1h:Meeting with Laurie about adding pages, responsive design, and images.
  • fdavis.cec:0.25:Wrote up instructions for editing publication type and answered some of Frank's questions.
  • ccber.dev:1.5:Added file insert field to content types, fixed Campus Lagoon page.

2012-11-12 Mon -- 0 hrs -- Veterans Day

2012-11-11 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-11-10 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-11-03 to 2012-11-09

2012-11-09 Fri -- 6.5 hrs

  • eri:1h:fixed one last bug in the Seasons module that was causing the last page of the Flyers list to produce errors, Centered image on Research Mission page on the new ERI site and added the Insert module to both ERI and IT ERI.
  • ccber.drupal:0.5h:created template for page creation.
  • eri:1.5h:Talked with Aaron about NEES and show/tell, added some wrappers in node template. Cleaned up show and tell ERI wikis so they are more presentable as tutorials and added more description/direciton.Changed quicktabs themes for People list view on ERI site, and renamed the Quicktabs to be more descriptive.
  • eri:3.5h:show and tell with Aaron and Mike, fixed missing sidebar and extra fields on some people nodes. Split node template into three separate nodes for each content type. Worked on script to pull wiki entries into hierarchical array.

2012-11-08 Thu -- 6.5 hrs

  • eri:0.5h:updated it eri drupal to 7.17, enabled and began setting up content access module.
  • fdavis.cec:0.5h:exported and imported biblio entries from EndNote Web, fixed white border around front-page image so that it doesn't get distorted when resizing the page.
  • eri:2.5h:added administrative menu links to it eri site, styled more of the eri site, enabled and began reading documentation for and configuring organic groups.
  • fdavis.cec:2h:reimported biblio with correct date field, fixed views blocks for sorting by recent and in press so that they now sort by the correct fields, set up qt sorting by type, made view sortable, removed old taxonomy from biblio content type.
  • eri:1h:fixed markup on seasons module in flyers.

2012-11-07 Wed -- 6 hrs

  • fdavis.cec:3h:added view for recent publications, and created the rest of the quicktabs for publications. Fixed formatting on Contact Us block and moved it to a node for easier editing access. Met with Peter about accessing data, and e-mailed Frank with some more questions. Added footer, moved links to bottom panel. Fixed issue with cut off header.
  • eri:0.5h:Researched image programatic image cropping with jquery and css.
  • ccber.drupal:0.5h:fixed colors based on Laurie's suggestions.
  • eri:2h:added css styling, merged first and last name in content view. worked more on seasons module.

2012-11-06 Tue -- 5.5 hrs

  • eri:3.25h:finished people template, went to WSG meeting with Aaron.
  • eri:1.5h:worked with Chris to create module that uses jQueryUI to build an accordion with biblio tables.
  • fdavis.cec:0.75h:added favicon, created quicktabs for research, added completed/in progress boolean to research project content type, removed research group content type.

2012-11-05 Mon -- 5 hrs

  • eri:3h:created research node template, and made it responsive with a jquery script.
  • eri:2h:fixed issue with un-clickable links at bottom of mobile layout caused by jcycle, added people template and redirected people list links to it (also created pathauto default for bio nodes).

2012-11-04 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-11-04 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-11-03 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-11-01 to 2012-11-02

2012-11-02 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • eri:2h:Finished up basic functionality of Seasons module, presentation on Drupal Panels, Views, Modules, MediaWiki API to Aaron, Darla and Mike.
  • fdavis.cec:1.5h: worked on fixing issue with gallery slideshow.
  • fdavis.cec:2.5h:created new header image based on Frank and Mike's suggestion, fixed issue with gallery slideshow, fixed some issues with responsive blocks.

2012-11-01 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • eri:2h:worked on altering the dates on flyers to a more convenient and cleaner format.
  • fdavis.cec:0.75h:Meeting with Frank, Peter, and Mike about integration of database tools into drupal and tutorial on content management.
  • eri:0.75h:Worked on converting dates to Quarters on the Flyers view.
  • eri:0.75h:Researched methods of transferring data between external scripts and drupal modules.
  • fdavis.cec:1.75h:Made changes from Lauries email, added page for campus lagoon.

Recharge Examples/Entry Instructions

Recharge Entries fall into 3 broad categories:  
  Direct charges - charges to a PI, Category, Account fund - Done monthly
  Deferred charges - charges that are accumulated for Services (Disk Storage, Backups, Websites, etc) paid quarterly
  Departmental charges - entries that are made to track time taken for various services that are provided by the department.  Possibly used by IT staff to make decisions

Recharge Entry Examples (each entry is expected to follow a list tag entry in the final html (ie: an asterisk in the wiki editor)):
 *NEES:20 min:Backups                         -- basic entry, NEES charged 20 minutes for backups
 *Frew:20:Backups                             -- implied units -- units default to minutes
 *Dozier:1.5h:Backups                         -- units flexible - space between amt and units optional, h is shorthand for hours, m shorthand for minutes
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:20 min each:Backups       -- create recharge entries for this amt of time for each of the categories
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:2 hours split:Backups     -- split time equally between each of the categories
 *eri.web:20m:Work on research website

Project examples: - ie: NEES, Snow, Oceancolor, Dragon, CCBER
Account entries can be subcategorized by creating a hierarchy using "."'s to separate fields (ie: eri.space.girvetz)

More detailed Syntax Breakdown (in pseudo BNF) :
 ENTRY = *ACCTSPEC:TIMESPEC:DESCRIPTION                         -- one entry per line
 ACCTSPEC = ACCT[[/ACCT]...]                                    -- the Account/Category/Project/CostCenter to be recharged
 TIMESPEC = AMT [UNIT [LOOP-OP]]                                -- amount of time spent - default is minutes
 ACCT = PI | Project | Account | Category [.SubCategory[...]]   -- PI/Project/Acct/Category: ie: Frew, NEES, Dragon, Infra, conf,...
 AMT = float | integer                                          -- Amount of time spent -- float or int
 UNIT = [hour|hr|h|minute|min|m]                                -- units of time to apply to amount - default is minute -- spaces optional between amt and units
 LOOP-OP = [each|split]                                         -- specialized operators - CATEGORY list is split on "/"s and an entry created for each one when processed.

Non-direct Recharge Categories (and associated SubCategories):
 *admin - efforts for administrative staff

 *lic.[itt, matlab, math, arcgis] --licensing stuff.
 *web.[drupal,wiki,cms,ftp]       -- not sure this will be a top level charge

 *stor.bk                         -- efforts relating to backups
 *stor.disk                       -- disk server related time
 *stor.tape                       -- tape backups
 *it                             -- alone infers ERI business (infra/sysadm/blahblahblah).
 *it.net                         -- efforts relating to departmental networking (cabling)
 *it.dev                         -- software development, scripting, new services...
 *it.team                        -- efforts relating to IT team meetings/discussions... how about powow?
 *it.ucsb                        -- UCSB training/meetings/discussions/committees or campus greater good.
 *it.stadm                       -- efforts relating to any IT student assistants
 *it.dsr                         -- efforts relating to departmental safety representative work

Other Stuff

AVWH: 152