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===Week of 2012-09-22 to 2012-09-28===
===Week of 2012-09-22 to 2012-09-28===
====2012-09-28 Fri -- 0 hrs====
====2012-09-28 Fri -- 0 hrs====
*eri:3.5h:worked on it eri module.
*eri:3.5h:worked on it eri module for feed export, talked with Aaron about using cron to schedule syncing of profiles.
====2012-09-27 Thu -- 6 hrs====
====2012-09-27 Thu -- 6 hrs====

Revision as of 12:58, 28 September 2012

Daily Entries


Week of 2012-09-29 to 2012-09-30

Week of 2012-09-22 to 2012-09-28

2012-09-28 Fri -- 0 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:worked on it eri module for feed export, talked with Aaron about using cron to schedule syncing of profiles.

2012-09-27 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • eri:0.5h:merged fields from scheduled outage form to announcement form.
  • ccber.drupal:3h:tested horizontal layout on new pages. centered the images in horizontal layout, worked on making calendar display blog updates and Events
  • ccber.drupal:1.25h:fixed module for adding content without going through interface, finished modifying calendar so that it now displays all blog updates and events, fixed spacing issues around the site.
  • eri:1.25h:checked status on wikitools module for D7 and found Flexifilter module, which is currently in active development, added ability to show and hide content editing icons, added instructions for showing and hiding content editing icons on "Using ERI Drupal" page, added instructions for using advanced editing tools on "Using ERI Drupal" page. Researched modules for exporting csv feeds for the it eri Account Request form. Created view for displaying account requests submitted through the webform on the IT ERI site.

2012-09-26 Wed -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:read up on post processing webform data to create module that exports webfrom entries to csv that can be read into by the Feeds Importer module on www-dev.eri.ucsb.edu, began writing module to auto add new account request entries to csv file and worked with Chris to figure out how to theme/template the account request webform. also checked out options for jquery autocomplete for the groups field and changed name of outage form to scheduled outage.
  • eri:2.5h:fixed announcement table so that it now displays a teaser that links to the full announcement page, fixed research "about" view so content in left column isn't pushed over to the right when the about text is too short, fixed redirect module to redirect node edit form to correct url, changed events subscribe link (on eri site) to official rss icon and moved to the right of the page title. fixed rss feed to list correct fields.

2012-09-25 Tue -- 0 hrs

2012-09-24 Mon -- 0 hrs

2012-09-23 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-09-22 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-09-15 to 2012-09-21

Week of 2012-09-08 to 2012-09-14

2012-09-14 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:0.75h:migrated content/pages
  • eri:2.25h:went to Mountain Lion Server class with Aaron and Darla
  • ccber.drupal:1.5h:more migration, added in-text image content type for images that should appear in the text area and have no size limits, edited panel image view to allow for displayed text below image
  • eri:0.5talked to Aaron about Panduit and cable management in server room

2012-09-13 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3h:read about accessing arguments from ctools page manager in order to redirect to page based on term as context
  • ccber.drupal:3h:built redirect module for redirecting to correct page after node creation

2012-09-12 Wed -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:fixed table node edit tool so it doesn't display on all table views, removed administrative menus (administration and user) from anonymous user sidebar, removed flyers events from calendar views, changed calendar to page view instead of block on node and added feed for calendar and events views
  • eri.ucsb.edu:3.5h:worked with Aaron and Darla with cleaning up cables in server room.

2012-09-11 Tue -- 5 hrs

  • eri:5h:moved the webform function from Templates.php to Dynamic Webform module (folder: webformsubmit), created module to redirect to corresponding view after node creation, moved ERI Drupal documentation to User Menu, removed unused content types and fields, started programmatically adding edit icons to each table row for all views

2012-09-10 Mon -- 3.5 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:Added MSI research content, divided stylsheets, migrated more new content from eri site, edited forms view to combine file and link, fixed events view to link to url rather than node and ignore flyers, made editing icons less obtrusive, converted mission statement to text block to be edited as node, removed flyers link from ERI Links page, started writing page on drupal site with instructions on adding and editing content

2012-09-09 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-09-08 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-09-01 to 2012-09-07

2012-09-07 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:4.5h:added content to education and internship programs, worked on functionality of zaddCBP module to help with sorting and redirection
  • eri:1.5h:helped Aaron move hardware and remove drives

2012-09-06 Thu -- 4.75 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:3h:created php script to submit contact form, styled news page and looked for mini calendar that would fit in sidebar
  1. Webform now working
  2. Added education panel/page
  3. Built module that creates buttons on nodes to move them up or down in a view

2012-09-05 Wed -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:simplified the sorting of events, fixed search by field filter
  1. Created batch edit view for Event content type
    1. Moved all events of type Event to type News
    2. Removed term Event from Event Taxonomy
  2. Added new View for sorting by Research Field
  • ccber.drupal:3.5:Worked on site layout based on Laurie's requests
  1. Removed Quick Links
  2. Added background image to content area in ccber stylesheet to make sidebar background extend to bottom
  3. Moved links to the right 2px
  4. Moved KIN menu to submenu of Kids in Nature
  5. Fixed alignment of content area and sidebar so content wouldn't flow over into sidebar
  6. Moved home branding image to all pages that don't have their own header in branding
  7. Enabled sub titles for all nodes
  8. Moved News Archive and mini calendar to sidebar

2012-09-04 Tue -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:Worked on adding content and views for Events
  1. Edited view to render homepage as link on profiles
  2. added edit node button for all nodes
  3. imported new content from old eri site
  4. added menus to event taxonomy
    1. Removed old terms
  5. Added News and All tabs to events list quicktabs
  • eri:3.5:Finished building and styling Research profiles view and added a few projects to the Research content type
  1. Talked to Aaron about user roles and research groups view
  2. created student assistant role
  3. Added image field, people field, and link field to Research Group content type
  4. Styled the Research Group view (Now two columns)
  5. Edited research list view to display URL
  6. Added Research
    1. CEIN
    2. CCBER
    3. Global CDOM Project
    4. BBOP

2012-09-03 Mon -- 0 hrs -- Labor Day

2012-09-02 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-09-01 Sat -- 0 hrs


Recharge Examples/Entry Instructions

Recharge Entries fall into 3 broad categories:  
  Direct charges - charges to a PI, Category, Account fund - Done monthly
  Deferred charges - charges that are accumulated for Services (Disk Storage, Backups, Websites, etc) paid quarterly
  Departmental charges - entries that are made to track time taken for various services that are provided by the department.  Possibly used by IT staff to make decisions

Recharge Entry Examples (each entry is expected to follow a list tag entry in the final html (ie: an asterisk in the wiki editor)):
 *NEES:20 min:Backups                         -- basic entry, NEES charged 20 minutes for backups
 *Frew:20:Backups                             -- implied units -- units default to minutes
 *Dozier:1.5h:Backups                         -- units flexible - space between amt and units optional, h is shorthand for hours, m shorthand for minutes
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:20 min each:Backups       -- create recharge entries for this amt of time for each of the categories
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:2 hours split:Backups     -- split time equally between each of the categories
 *eri.web:20m:Work on research website

Project examples: - ie: NEES, Snow, Oceancolor, Dragon, CCBER
Account entries can be subcategorized by creating a hierarchy using "."'s to separate fields (ie: eri.space.girvetz)

More detailed Syntax Breakdown (in pseudo BNF) :
 ENTRY = *ACCTSPEC:TIMESPEC:DESCRIPTION                         -- one entry per line
 ACCTSPEC = ACCT[[/ACCT]...]                                    -- the Account/Category/Project/CostCenter to be recharged
 TIMESPEC = AMT [UNIT [LOOP-OP]]                                -- amount of time spent - default is minutes
 ACCT = PI | Project | Account | Category [.SubCategory[...]]   -- PI/Project/Acct/Category: ie: Frew, NEES, Dragon, Infra, conf,...
 AMT = float | integer                                          -- Amount of time spent -- float or int
 UNIT = [hour|hr|h|minute|min|m]                                -- units of time to apply to amount - default is minute -- spaces optional between amt and units
 LOOP-OP = [each|split]                                         -- specialized operators - CATEGORY list is split on "/"s and an entry created for each one when processed.

Non-direct Recharge Categories (and associated SubCategories):
 *admin - efforts for administrative staff

 *lic.[itt, matlab, math, arcgis] --licensing stuff.
 *web.[drupal,wiki,cms,ftp]       -- not sure this will be a top level charge

 *stor.bk                         -- efforts relating to backups
 *stor.disk                       -- disk server related time
 *stor.tape                       -- tape backups
 *it                             -- alone infers ERI business (infra/sysadm/blahblahblah).
 *it.net                         -- efforts relating to departmental networking (cabling)
 *it.dev                         -- software development, scripting, new services...
 *it.team                        -- efforts relating to IT team meetings/discussions... how about powow?
 *it.ucsb                        -- UCSB training/meetings/discussions/committees or campus greater good.
 *it.stadm                       -- efforts relating to any IT student assistants
 *it.dsr                         -- efforts relating to departmental safety representative work

Other Stuff

AVWH: 152