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(135 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<div style='display: none;'> BEGIN PARSING ENTRIES - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE</div>
<div style='display: none;'> BEGIN PARSING ENTRIES - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE</div>
===Week of 2012-08-25 to 2012-08-31===
===Week of 2012-08-25 to 2012-08-31===
<!------------------------------- BEGIN COMMENTED WEEKLY SECTION ---------------------------------
====2012-08-31 Fri -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-30 Thu -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-31 Fri -- 6 hrs====
====2012-08-29 Wed -- 0 hrs====
*ccber.drupal:3.5h:styling, modified column widths on some pages
#Fixed column widths on front page
#Themed more links
#Worked on module to redirect user to page rather than node when they add or edit a node.
#Commented all stylesheets
#Wrote to Laurie with link to site and update.
#Fixed footer at bottom of page to make it centered
====2012-08-28 Tue -- 0 hrs====
*eri:0.5h:Researched methods of trimming URLs
#Added trim option to rewriting on all forms views (limit 50 char)
#Read about getimagesize() in PHP documentation
##Could be used to align text and images that are in different columns
====2012-08-27 Mon -- 0 hrs====
*eri:1.5h:went to Windows Computing class with Darla
*eri:0.5h:Talked with Aaron about updating recent content from old eri site, issues with webform, and changing Office Field on people table to Title
#Changed office to title on people field
====2012-08-30 Thu -- 6 hrs====
*ccber.drupal: 6h:styling, adding content, set up advanced features for the CMS (added icons and links for easy editing of nodes)
#Added icons to edit links to clean up administrative interface
##Made only viewable by admin
#Added option to show/hide editing icons
#Styled and fixed sizes of panes and panels
#Added center text block on front page
#Changed font to Flowerchild for headers
#Recorded structure on CCBER wiki
====2012-08-29 Wed -- 5 hrs====
*eri:2.5h:Practiced and researched module development
#Tested php code in various templates including Template.php
*ccber.drupal:2.5h:Built module to allow adding new content to pages easily without typing in page taxonomy
#Enabled module zaddCBP
#Added link to add content at the top of each pane using views header php script which grabs argument from URL (page term sent by pane) and links to the add page for that content type and the original page term argument
====2012-08-28 Tue -- 5.5 hrs====
*ccber.drupal:1.5h:Migrated pages, fixed submenus
#Finished all Collections
#Started on Ecosystem Management & Restoration
#Moved submenus to sidebar for simpler navigation
#Added quicklinks
*ccber.drupal:4h:Began styling site and fixing editing fields
#Created new stylesheet for panels
:*Edited widths and margins to fit page
#Modified views-view-fields.tpl.php to display edit link only for those logged in.
#Added option to hide titles from each text block node
#Themed navigation menu to match old site
#Themed and spaced out sidebar
#Added footers
====2012-08-27 Mon -- 5 hrs====
*ccber.drupal:1h:Worked on News and Events page
#Added Newsletters block to left column
#Edited Pane Text content type to include Image field for floating an image to the right of a specific text
#Moved the rest of the News and Events content to new Drupal
*ccber.drupal:4h:Updated drupal, made email form, added pages and content
#Created pages and moved content for:
##Mission Statement, History, Location and Hours (Added table view in sidebar for information)
#Made all fields display an "Edit Content" link above them that allows an administrator to edit the node without having to search for it in the list of the sites Content
#Added relevant fields to text content type to allow user to input further information about collections (Curator, assistant etc.)
#Added and migrated content for Collections pages through Oaks on Botanical Page
<font color='blue'>
<font color='blue'>
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-----------------------------------END COMMENTED WEEKLY SECTION ----------------------->
===Week of 2012-08-18 to 2012-08-24===
===Week of 2012-08-18 to 2012-08-24===
<!------------------------------- BEGIN COMMENTED WEEKLY SECTION ---------------------------------
====2012-08-24 Fri -- 6 hrs====
====2012-08-24 Fri -- 0 hrs====
*eri:4h:reviewed calendar configuration with Chris, rebuilt calendar view after re-adding contextual filter, which broke view, researched relationships and CCK for associating bios with research
#Added "Research Identifier" field to Bios and Research Content Types
#Met with Aaron about Research page
#Created Research Profile page
*ccber:2h:Added front page panels and images
#Created new content type and view for horizontal image display
#Built kids in nature page
##Built side nav bar for KIN
#Added font flowerchild
#Cleaned up News and Events page
##Added Newsletters view
====2012-08-23 Thu -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-23 Thu -- 6 hrs====
*eri:3h:fixed name issue, created advanced batch edit view, migrated interests
#Made Last Name field display as "Last Name, First Name" in people view
#Added features to VBO page for Bio nodes to allow better sorting and more options
#Added advanced edit for taxonomy -- useful for getting rid of taxonomy terms that aren't being used
:*Removed unused terms by creating relationship between Taxonomy Term and content of type institution, enabling aggregation, and setting up an NID field to count nodes of taxonomy
::*Then sorted by number of nodes and batch deleted
#Worked on hiding photos and profiles that are set to be hidden in profile view
:*Tried editing templates to hide that content if the boolean was equal to 0
::*Did a dsm to show hierarchy, but drupal couldn't find it when I added $content->field_photo_url['und'][0]['#markup'] or $content->field_photo_url[0]['#markup']
:*Tried rewriting result of boolean field to image if not empty or 0
:**Done by changing boolean to 0 and 1 and rewriting if not equal to zero
#Began manually migrating "interests" from crustal db (contained in separate db from people)
##Fixed Areas of Interest styling on profile to span whole page
*eri:3h:worked on migrating remaining data from crustal people db, added research page and awards page
#Migrated all research interests and research areas
#Moved Research Mission image to web linked it on page
#Added Research content type and view
:*Also quicktabs that sorts through the same filters as people
#Researched ways to link people to their research
====2012-08-22 Wed -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-22 Wed -- 4.5 hrs====
*eri:1.5h:wrapped cables with Chris, met with Aaron about changes to people view and content type, edited VBO bios form to allow altering content structure and data
*eri:2.5h:worked on fixing up bios content and people/profile views
#hid image path if image is not in db
#added autocomplete box for institution field in bio content type, fixed boolean checkboxes so that it now displays both yes and no options, rearranged fields for better organization
#Added block for editing bio node on profile page that links to the edit form for the nid of argument (2) from URL
#Hid VBO form to non administrators
#Began reorganizing taxonomy for institutions
#Worked on repairing VBO to correctly find and replace fields in db, filtering by taxonomy
====2012-08-21 Tue -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-21 Tue -- 6 hrs====
====2012-08-20 Mon -- 0 hrs====
*ccber:2h:Finished arranging and replacing cabling in network room
#Set index to 'home'
#Added content type for photos
#Created taxonomy for images based on page names
:*Could filter pages to display on page by this taxonomy or create a view that displays the images from several or all pages
#Built Photo Gallery view
#Added quicktabs to filter by taxonomy
#Uploaded photos from animals and categorized by term
*ccber.drupal:2.5h:Added menus (quick links) to sidebar
#Added news page (view displaying teasers of 10 most recent blog posts)
#Added panels system for displaying all page content (images and text)
#Added views for each panel
#Matched content in view based on taxonomy
#Uploaded "Collections" images and text from old site
#Added second menu layer to home
#Created page panel layout for News & Events page
:*Sets news blog at bottom of page, mini calendar and reports on the side, and most recent announcements at the top
#Added calendar view and put it in the News and Events right side panel
#Created content type for people
#Created view table for people
#Relinked emails in people view to "send-email" with NID as argument
====2012-08-20 Mon -- 5.5 hrs====
*ccber:1.5h:worked on cabling at CCBER network cable room with Aaron
*ccber.drupal:0.5h:Intro to CCBER and met about requirements of CCBER Website
*eri:3h:fixed issue with expanded header, fixed miscellaneous issues
#Set branding wrapper to absolute positioning in branding template
#Event Nodes with URL value of "N/a" were linking to page not found -- created Views Bulk Operations page to rewrite all fields of Events type with that value to be equal to ''
#Made Seminars title link to evens-seminars/about/[nid] page instead of its default node view
#Added "Form" headings to forms tables
#Worked on fixing issue with extra large wrapper on third forms view (Workers Compensation)
##Tried modifying width in CSS, changing various options in views settings
##Tested in browserling
###Created new view for Worker's Compensation, but it also expands beyond wrapper
##Researched module to shorten URLs
#Began fixing broken URLs on Administrative pages
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<font color='blue'>
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-----------------------------------END COMMENTED WEEKLY SECTION ----------------------->
===Week of 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-17===
===Week of 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-17===
====2012-08-17 Fri -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-17 Fri -- 5.75 hrs====
eri:5.75h:cleaned server room; prepared information about site functionality and added content to WWW-DEV
#Moved things to recycling
#emailed jeri about inventory question (Compaq Personal Workstation)
#Researched and sent Aaron links to USB DVD players like the one in the storage room
#Removed and destroyed hard drive from Compaq PC
#Wrote wiki guide to setting up dynamic contact webform using hook_form_alter
#Added entries to Administrative Forms on WWW-DEV and fixed the views to display both files and links
#Wrote outline for drupal presentation next week
#Added randomized order to gallery and made gallery images link to original file
====2012-08-16 Thu -- 5.5 hrs====
*eri:5.5h:Webform; miscellaneous fixes
#hid comment form rendering in node.tpl.php
#altered_form_values using hook form alter in templates.php in eriomgea
##Added to name at top
##Researched hook_mail_alter to change to address for webform
#finished webform
##made custom template (in webform settings) for mail messages
#hid form if no user is specified in url using if statement in templates
#Added recaptcha to contact form
#linked calendar titles to events-seminars/about/[nid]
#did a little more theming on the profiles page (moved image and text columns over to align with header, spaced out text a little)
====2012-08-15 Wed -- 5 hrs====
====2012-08-16 Thu -- 0 hrs====
*eri:1.5h:created and styled page profile view for events
#Linked to this from both calendar view and events-seminars view
====2012-08-15 Wed -- 0 hrs====
eri:3.5h:people view
#fixed a few entries that had muddled text
#re-imported fixed email people csv
#temporarily hid email people and profile views
#created form to email staff
#researched webform use with hook_form_alter
#added webform at contact-staff
====2012-08-14 Tue -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-14 Tue -- 5 hrs====
*eri:1.5h:fixed awk script and exported fixed (with correct boolean values) csv to people_fixed_final.csv on desktop
*eri:1.5h:fixed awk script and exported fixed (with correct boolean values) csv to people_fixed_final.csv on desktop
#removed all bio entries and added script to remove all bios entries
#removed all bio entries and added script to remove all bios entries
Line 66: Line 233:
#added Views Bulk Options module and removed people for later re-import
#added Views Bulk Options module and removed people for later re-import
#Researched contact form option
#Researched contact form option
#Created events/about page view for styling event nodes
====2012-08-13 Mon -- 0 hrs====
====2012-08-13 Mon -- 5 hrs====
*eri:1.5h:WWW-DEV: styled profiles page in global.css; worked on people import
*eri:1.5h:WWW-DEV: styled profiles page in global.css; worked on people import
Line 174: Line 342:
====2012-08-03 Fri -- 5 hrs====
====2012-08-03 Fri -- 5 hrs====
*eri:5h:worked on outreach features, migrated content
#Built Outreach page, blocks for outreach and education
#Built Outreach page, blocks for outreach and education
#Built Lesson Plans page view that displays table list of all lesson plans with dynamic links that link to subpage of page/[nid]
#Built Lesson Plans page view that displays table list of all lesson plans with dynamic links that link to subpage of page/[nid]
Line 189: Line 357:
====2012-08-01 Wed -- 5 hrs====
====2012-08-01 Wed -- 5 hrs====
*eri:5h:created people module, styled text, added pages and content
#Set up people module with arguments filter
#Set up people module with arguments filter
#Modified styling of text on pages
#Modified styling of text on pages

Latest revision as of 10:00, 6 September 2012

Daily Entries


Week of 2012-08-25 to 2012-08-31

2012-08-31 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:3.5h:styling, modified column widths on some pages
  1. Fixed column widths on front page
  2. Themed more links
  3. Worked on module to redirect user to page rather than node when they add or edit a node.
  4. Commented all stylesheets
  5. Wrote to Laurie with link to site and update.
  6. Fixed footer at bottom of page to make it centered
  • eri:0.5h:Researched methods of trimming URLs
  1. Added trim option to rewriting on all forms views (limit 50 char)
  2. Read about getimagesize() in PHP documentation
    1. Could be used to align text and images that are in different columns
  • eri:1.5h:went to Windows Computing class with Darla
  • eri:0.5h:Talked with Aaron about updating recent content from old eri site, issues with webform, and changing Office Field on people table to Title
  1. Changed office to title on people field

2012-08-30 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • ccber.drupal: 6h:styling, adding content, set up advanced features for the CMS (added icons and links for easy editing of nodes)
  1. Added icons to edit links to clean up administrative interface
    1. Made only viewable by admin
  2. Added option to show/hide editing icons
  3. Styled and fixed sizes of panes and panels
  4. Added center text block on front page
  5. Changed font to Flowerchild for headers
  6. Recorded structure on CCBER wiki

2012-08-29 Wed -- 5 hrs

  • eri:2.5h:Practiced and researched module development
  1. Tested php code in various templates including Template.php
  • ccber.drupal:2.5h:Built module to allow adding new content to pages easily without typing in page taxonomy
  1. Enabled module zaddCBP
  2. Added link to add content at the top of each pane using views header php script which grabs argument from URL (page term sent by pane) and links to the add page for that content type and the original page term argument

2012-08-28 Tue -- 5.5 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:1.5h:Migrated pages, fixed submenus
  1. Finished all Collections
  2. Started on Ecosystem Management & Restoration
  3. Moved submenus to sidebar for simpler navigation
  4. Added quicklinks
  • ccber.drupal:4h:Began styling site and fixing editing fields
  1. Created new stylesheet for panels
  • Edited widths and margins to fit page
  1. Modified views-view-fields.tpl.php to display edit link only for those logged in.
  2. Added option to hide titles from each text block node
  3. Themed navigation menu to match old site
  4. Themed and spaced out sidebar
  5. Added footers

2012-08-27 Mon -- 5 hrs

  • ccber.drupal:1h:Worked on News and Events page
  1. Added Newsletters block to left column
  2. Edited Pane Text content type to include Image field for floating an image to the right of a specific text
  3. Moved the rest of the News and Events content to new Drupal
  • ccber.drupal:4h:Updated drupal, made email form, added pages and content
  1. Created pages and moved content for:
    1. Mission Statement, History, Location and Hours (Added table view in sidebar for information)
  2. Made all fields display an "Edit Content" link above them that allows an administrator to edit the node without having to search for it in the list of the sites Content
  3. Added relevant fields to text content type to allow user to input further information about collections (Curator, assistant etc.)
  4. Added and migrated content for Collections pages through Oaks on Botanical Page

2012-08-26 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-08-25 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-08-18 to 2012-08-24

2012-08-24 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • eri:4h:reviewed calendar configuration with Chris, rebuilt calendar view after re-adding contextual filter, which broke view, researched relationships and CCK for associating bios with research
  1. Added "Research Identifier" field to Bios and Research Content Types
  2. Met with Aaron about Research page
  3. Created Research Profile page
  • ccber:2h:Added front page panels and images
  1. Created new content type and view for horizontal image display
  2. Built kids in nature page
    1. Built side nav bar for KIN
  3. Added font flowerchild
  4. Cleaned up News and Events page
    1. Added Newsletters view

2012-08-23 Thu -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3h:fixed name issue, created advanced batch edit view, migrated interests
  1. Made Last Name field display as "Last Name, First Name" in people view
  2. Added features to VBO page for Bio nodes to allow better sorting and more options
  3. Added advanced edit for taxonomy -- useful for getting rid of taxonomy terms that aren't being used
  • Removed unused terms by creating relationship between Taxonomy Term and content of type institution, enabling aggregation, and setting up an NID field to count nodes of taxonomy
  • Then sorted by number of nodes and batch deleted
  1. Worked on hiding photos and profiles that are set to be hidden in profile view
  • Tried editing templates to hide that content if the boolean was equal to 0
  • Did a dsm to show hierarchy, but drupal couldn't find it when I added $content->field_photo_url['und'][0]['#markup'] or $content->field_photo_url[0]['#markup']
  • Tried rewriting result of boolean field to image if not empty or 0
    • Done by changing boolean to 0 and 1 and rewriting if not equal to zero
  1. Began manually migrating "interests" from crustal db (contained in separate db from people)
    1. Fixed Areas of Interest styling on profile to span whole page
  • eri:3h:worked on migrating remaining data from crustal people db, added research page and awards page
  1. Migrated all research interests and research areas
  2. Moved Research Mission image to web linked it on page
  3. Added Research content type and view
  • Also quicktabs that sorts through the same filters as people
  1. Researched ways to link people to their research

2012-08-22 Wed -- 4.5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:wrapped cables with Chris, met with Aaron about changes to people view and content type, edited VBO bios form to allow altering content structure and data
  • eri:2.5h:worked on fixing up bios content and people/profile views
  1. hid image path if image is not in db
  2. added autocomplete box for institution field in bio content type, fixed boolean checkboxes so that it now displays both yes and no options, rearranged fields for better organization
  3. Added block for editing bio node on profile page that links to the edit form for the nid of argument (2) from URL
  4. Hid VBO form to non administrators
  5. Began reorganizing taxonomy for institutions
  6. Worked on repairing VBO to correctly find and replace fields in db, filtering by taxonomy

2012-08-21 Tue -- 6 hrs

  • ccber:2h:Finished arranging and replacing cabling in network room
  • ccber.drupal:1.5h:Setup,Gallery
  1. Set index to 'home'
  2. Added content type for photos
  3. Created taxonomy for images based on page names
  • Could filter pages to display on page by this taxonomy or create a view that displays the images from several or all pages
  1. Built Photo Gallery view
  2. Added quicktabs to filter by taxonomy
  3. Uploaded photos from animals and categorized by term
  • ccber.drupal:2.5h:Added menus (quick links) to sidebar
  1. Added news page (view displaying teasers of 10 most recent blog posts)
  2. Added panels system for displaying all page content (images and text)
  3. Added views for each panel
  4. Matched content in view based on taxonomy
  5. Uploaded "Collections" images and text from old site
  6. Added second menu layer to home
  7. Created page panel layout for News & Events page
  • Sets news blog at bottom of page, mini calendar and reports on the side, and most recent announcements at the top
  1. Added calendar view and put it in the News and Events right side panel
  2. Created content type for people
  3. Created view table for people
  4. Relinked emails in people view to "send-email" with NID as argument

2012-08-20 Mon -- 5.5 hrs

  • ccber:1.5h:worked on cabling at CCBER network cable room with Aaron
  • ccber.drupal:0.5h:Intro to CCBER and met about requirements of CCBER Website
  • eri:3h:fixed issue with expanded header, fixed miscellaneous issues
  1. Set branding wrapper to absolute positioning in branding template
  2. Event Nodes with URL value of "N/a" were linking to page not found -- created Views Bulk Operations page to rewrite all fields of Events type with that value to be equal to
  3. Made Seminars title link to evens-seminars/about/[nid] page instead of its default node view
  4. Added "Form" headings to forms tables
  5. Worked on fixing issue with extra large wrapper on third forms view (Workers Compensation)
    1. Tried modifying width in CSS, changing various options in views settings
    2. Tested in browserling
      1. Created new view for Worker's Compensation, but it also expands beyond wrapper
    3. Researched module to shorten URLs
  6. Began fixing broken URLs on Administrative pages

2012-08-19 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-08-18 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-17

2012-08-17 Fri -- 5.75 hrs

eri:5.75h:cleaned server room; prepared information about site functionality and added content to WWW-DEV

  1. Moved things to recycling
  2. emailed jeri about inventory question (Compaq Personal Workstation)
  3. Researched and sent Aaron links to USB DVD players like the one in the storage room
  4. Removed and destroyed hard drive from Compaq PC
  5. Wrote wiki guide to setting up dynamic contact webform using hook_form_alter
  6. Added entries to Administrative Forms on WWW-DEV and fixed the views to display both files and links
  7. Wrote outline for drupal presentation next week
  8. Added randomized order to gallery and made gallery images link to original file

2012-08-16 Thu -- 5.5 hrs

  • eri:5.5h:Webform; miscellaneous fixes
  1. hid comment form rendering in node.tpl.php
  2. altered_form_values using hook form alter in templates.php in eriomgea
    1. Added to name at top
    2. Researched hook_mail_alter to change to address for webform
  3. finished webform
    1. made custom template (in webform settings) for mail messages
  4. hid form if no user is specified in url using if statement in templates
  5. Added recaptcha to contact form
  6. linked calendar titles to events-seminars/about/[nid]
  7. did a little more theming on the profiles page (moved image and text columns over to align with header, spaced out text a little)

2012-08-15 Wed -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:created and styled page profile view for events
  1. Linked to this from both calendar view and events-seminars view

eri:3.5h:people view

  1. fixed a few entries that had muddled text
  2. re-imported fixed email people csv
  3. temporarily hid email people and profile views
  4. created form to email staff
  5. researched webform use with hook_form_alter
  6. added webform at contact-staff

2012-08-14 Tue -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:fixed awk script and exported fixed (with correct boolean values) csv to people_fixed_final.csv on desktop
  1. removed all bio entries and added script to remove all bios entries
  • eri:3.5h:replaced remaining messed up booleans in people_fixed_final.csv with find and replace on jEdit;talked with Aaron about taxonomy for staff
  1. matched employment category vocabulary with csv database
  2. imported all people -- and it works (with pictures)!
  3. fixed people quicktabs and views based on new taxonomy
  4. filtered people view to only show active staff members
  5. uploaded images
  6. fixed title (which only displayed first name) - now displays first and last name using a header in the profile view settings and hiding the standard title on the profiles page in the global stylesheet
  7. added Views Bulk Options module and removed people for later re-import
  8. Researched contact form option
  9. Created events/about page view for styling event nodes

2012-08-13 Mon -- 5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:WWW-DEV: styled profiles page in global.css; worked on people import
  1. Assigned a class to each field in the views fields settings
  2. Backed up to "ERI Backup" folder on tgif desktop using Backup and Migrate module
  3. determined file location of profile images on WWW-ERI
  4. Exported people db from Crustal site
  5. Added taxonomy for title
  • eri:3.5h:WWW-DEV
  1. made php script to fix a few things in the Crustal people exported csv (break up email into two fields)
  2. created importer for people csv
  3. uploaded first test of people from fixed csv
  4. talked to Aaron about photo import
  5. built awk script to fix boolean issue
  6. Removed messed up bios
  7. Repaired broken fields on people view

2012-08-12 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-08-11 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-08-04 to 2012-08-10

2012-08-10 Fri -- 6 hrs

  • eri:3.5h:re-exported entire Events db, imported on new site, formatted, and adjusted view
  1. Edited exported content for uniformity
  2. Made minor changes to avoid formatting errors in csv file
  3. imported to fields title, date, url, type, pi
  4. manually changed all event dates to "All Day" because none of them had time on old site
  5. Fixed view (was switching back to first tab when clicking next page on second tab -- fixed by enabling AJAX)
  • eri:2.5h:Wrote stadm wiki documentation guide for Feeds Module;built calendar and styled;added anual reports link to menu; cleaned up people page;worked on profiles page

2012-08-09 Thu -- 4.5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:Read Drupal documentation on template altering and variables within unformatted list view template
  1. Removed styling from global.css
  • eri:3.5h:Fixed gallery; set up for feeds import
  1. Removed pager from slideshow by displaying all content
    1. Slideshow automatically separates them
  2. created php script that converts the old eri sites exported material to a csv file readable and directly importable to the WWW-Dev eri Events content type
    1. Created import function with the Feeds configuration that matches CSV content with corresponding field in Drupal DB
    2. Did test import
      1. Date one day off for some reason
        1. Need to change time zone handling to "no time conversion" in event content type time field

2012-08-08 Wed -- 4.5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:fixes on WWW-DEV.eri; finished importing images to slideshow; began creating profiles view page
  1. Fixed issue with large text on term lists
  2. Fixed a couple seminar events that had the wrong date
  • eri:3h:created and styled profiles page
  1. added a few fields to the Bios form
  2. Worked on creating view to display Areas of Interest at the bottom of the page
  3. met with Aaron about content migration from crustal site
    1. got access to database

2012-08-07 Tue -- 4.5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:exported content from news on old ERI site; figured out structure of export XML, and which field each field will be migrated into; started editing template to remove unnecessary header link below header (header image goes below content)
    • Matched new fields with old fields
    • Created URL field for Events on WWW-Dev
    • Edited Events view to make Title link to URL field value
      • Since we don't have URL values for all items, this gets messy. If we want to add URL in list, we should give it its own field
  • eri:.3h:WWW-dev Theming, Gallery module, minor content fixes and Events/Seminars views and Quicktabs
  1. changed region--branding.tpl.php to alter header image -- now mapped to only link top lefthand side of image to home
  2. Cleaned up and commented some template files (removed some that were no longer different from omega files)
  3. Created Gallery slideshow view
    1. Moved some images from old gallery over to new slideshow
  4. Minor fixes
    1. Links in Outreach
    2. Added file upload to Event content type
    3. Added max image width to gallery images content type
  5. Added Quicktabs View for Events and Seminars
  6. Added Views for Seminars and Events

2012-08-06 Mon -- 4.5 hrs

  • eri:1.5h:changed people-research page to people only page, and began building research page; modified and styled templates for display of header info on Lesson Plans
  • eri:3h:Worked on migrating more content from old eri site
  1. Looked into exporting and importing feeds
  2. Created content type for events
  3. Imported Seminars from old site
  4. Added taxonomy for Events
    1. Event
    2. Seminar

2012-08-05 Sun -- 0 hrs

2012-08-04 Sat -- 0 hrs

Week of 2012-08-01 to 2012-08-03

2012-08-03 Fri -- 5 hrs

  • eri:5h:worked on outreach features, migrated content
  1. Built Outreach page, blocks for outreach and education
  2. Built Lesson Plans page view that displays table list of all lesson plans with dynamic links that link to subpage of page/[nid]
  3. Built Page view that displays lesson plan with NID equal to URL argument
  4. Researched module that hides unnecessary info (eg. taxonomy on node pages)
  5. Migrated content from the above views from the old eri site
  6. Migrated all pages and content from old site
  7. Met with Aaron to discuss progress on site
  8. Reindexed search
    1. Ran Cron to complete indexing

2012-08-02 Thu -- 0 hrs

2012-08-01 Wed -- 5 hrs

  • eri:5h:created people module, styled text, added pages and content
  1. Set up people module with arguments filter
  2. Modified styling of text on pages
  3. Set up multiple Forms views with content types and taxonomy
  4. Added links to sidebar
  5. Added and formatted Administrative page
  6. Added "Outreach" taxonomy, content type and page with menu link for later use in view

Recharge Examples/Entry Instructions

Recharge Entries fall into 3 broad categories:  
  Direct charges - charges to a PI, Category, Account fund - Done monthly
  Deferred charges - charges that are accumulated for Services (Disk Storage, Backups, Websites, etc) paid quarterly
  Departmental charges - entries that are made to track time taken for various services that are provided by the department.  Possibly used by IT staff to make decisions

Recharge Entry Examples (each entry is expected to follow a list tag entry in the final html (ie: an asterisk in the wiki editor)):
 *NEES:20 min:Backups                         -- basic entry, NEES charged 20 minutes for backups
 *Frew:20:Backups                             -- implied units -- units default to minutes
 *Dozier:1.5h:Backups                         -- units flexible - space between amt and units optional, h is shorthand for hours, m shorthand for minutes
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:20 min each:Backups       -- create recharge entries for this amt of time for each of the categories
 *Davey/Frew/Dozier:2 hours split:Backups     -- split time equally between each of the categories
 *eri.web:20m:Work on research website

Project examples: - ie: NEES, Snow, Oceancolor, Dragon, CCBER
Account entries can be subcategorized by creating a hierarchy using "."'s to separate fields (ie: eri.space.girvetz)

More detailed Syntax Breakdown (in pseudo BNF) :
 ENTRY = *ACCTSPEC:TIMESPEC:DESCRIPTION                         -- one entry per line
 ACCTSPEC = ACCT[[/ACCT]...]                                    -- the Account/Category/Project/CostCenter to be recharged
 TIMESPEC = AMT [UNIT [LOOP-OP]]                                -- amount of time spent - default is minutes
 ACCT = PI | Project | Account | Category [.SubCategory[...]]   -- PI/Project/Acct/Category: ie: Frew, NEES, Dragon, Infra, conf,...
 AMT = float | integer                                          -- Amount of time spent -- float or int
 UNIT = [hour|hr|h|minute|min|m]                                -- units of time to apply to amount - default is minute -- spaces optional between amt and units
 LOOP-OP = [each|split]                                         -- specialized operators - CATEGORY list is split on "/"s and an entry created for each one when processed.

Non-direct Recharge Categories (and associated SubCategories):
 *admin - efforts for administrative staff

 *lic.[itt, matlab, math, arcgis] --licensing stuff.
 *web.[drupal,wiki,cms,ftp]       -- not sure this will be a top level charge

 *stor.bk                         -- efforts relating to backups
 *stor.disk                       -- disk server related time
 *stor.tape                       -- tape backups
 *it                             -- alone infers ERI business (infra/sysadm/blahblahblah).
 *it.net                         -- efforts relating to departmental networking (cabling)
 *it.dev                         -- software development, scripting, new services...
 *it.team                        -- efforts relating to IT team meetings/discussions... how about powow?
 *it.ucsb                        -- UCSB training/meetings/discussions/committees or campus greater good.
 *it.stadm                       -- efforts relating to any IT student assistants
 *it.dsr                         -- efforts relating to departmental safety representative work

Other Stuff

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